Suggestions for luggage with stock rack.

Its plenty big enough for me, I can fit quite a lot in the main bag which has an access flap as well as access via the sides, it is also expandable a small amount either side and has two side pockets. You'll fit a lot more than a pair of shoes in it. Good luck!!! I paid $139AUD for mine.

Forgot to mention it also come with a waterproof cover and sits on the rack real nice.

Thanks for the info. I'm going to check it out. By any chance, do you have a picture of it mounted on your bike? If so, it would be helpful to see it. One problem I found while looking at various luggage options is that the most of the pictures don't show it on a bike for reference so it's hard to tell just how big they are other than the volume rating. I found some that looked promising but managed to find a picture of them mounted on bikes and only then realized that they were too big or two small.

I asked the same thing a few years back and this guy did a real good job with his, you can buy a mounting bracket that will fit the Triumph rack.
I asked the same thing a few years back and this guy did a real good job with his

Boy, people really don't read much of the original post before chiming in, do they?
I use a SAC cool SAC combo for trips. The two bags easily hold enough for the wife and I for a week to 2 week trip. The main bag clips to the luggage rack and has a wide strap that goes over the backrest and pad. The smaller bag clips to the top of the main bag or can be used in place of the main bag. The 2 sizes gives lots of options for weekends or longer trips.
Boy, people really don't read much of the original post before chiming in, do they?

I guess you couldn't figure this one out on your own so here's what you do, buy a second rack with the quick release minus the cissy bar and permanently mount the box onto it? that way you keep the original as is and just switch them out as needed.
It's not rocket science but I did feel the need to break it down and explain it for you.
Hope it helped.
If you need anymore help like for instance how to turn your Ignition on feel free to ask I'm only here to please.
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Since you've got the bar and rack, get either
the first suggestion (grand tour) or I got the saddlemen version. Easily slides over bar for on and off, couple bungee straps and done. As to weight...I've traveled over 30k with saddlemen set up, it's probably 30-40 pounds packed. No problem. And it will fit on seat or rack.
I'll try to get a photo tonight and post it for you.
G'day ZoneIII, I hope these photos give you a pretty good idea? Notice I have a neck warmer around the back rest, this is to protect the stitching from the Velcro. This was an idea a mate had as he has the same bag and setup and found that the Velcro was damaging the stitching. Other than that it is great. Good Luck and let us know what you end up getting. Cheers