Ok.. So I have the same problem.. 2006 rocket ...sloppy gear shift .. wont change gear.. 100mile from home and stuck in 4th.. It got me home though.. not many bikes can pull away from lights, and do 90mph on motorway with the wife on the back all in one gear !!!
Arrived home at 6pm, read a bit.. decided it was the dreaded bolt loose on shifter.. started tear down at 7pm
By 1am the engine was out, I took the head off as I wanted to check valve seats as front cylinder is not firing as strong as other two..
Removed the cams from head, sump cover, clutch cover and clutch plates, alternator cover etc etc.. now waiting for clutch basket removal tool.
2am.. went to bed.. exhausted but with a sense of achievement (I have taken engine out before)
attached are pictures of the engine as it stands right now. But my question is this...
Once I turn the motor upside down and start to split the casing... can I just lift the lower casing off without disturbing the crank or anything else for that matter.. I'm no mechanic, but am not afraid of taking stuff apart and putting it back together, but this is a mammoth task by anyone's standards... I worried i will lift the case and all the internals are gonna pop out at me in a big pile of bits...
I don't want to spend a fortune on upgrade parts while I'm at it... although I know it would make sense... is there anything i really must do while i have it this far stripped... any MUST DO'S ?
Head bolts... Must they really be replaced?.. and does anyone know a source to buy just the gaskets i need.. Head, clutch and sump... full kit at nearly £400 seems a rip off when i don't need most of it