Strange issue. Headlight goes out and abs light comes on

So I don't want to count my chickens before getting to have a day long ride... However...

I replaced all three coils today. Also made up six replacement HT leads that I've fitted with new NGK 5kohm plug caps and put on my three new coils.

Took her for 20 minute ride, ringing her neck getting revs right up... No issue!

Fingers crossed @DEcosse Ken.

[ This is where coil on plugs would of made a lovely replacement getting rid of all that old rubbish, but they are too pricey for me at the moment, maybe one day. However if someone is needing replacement coils in the UK, this price seems to be the keenest I can find and actually where the coils I used today came from a couple of years back: Ignition Coil 12v CDI Twin Lead 2 Terminal CBR1100XX (80mm) (Each) ]


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You can use R1 COPs Martin - get some used ones* off Ebay and they shouldn't be too expensive - I can direct you to where you can find the connectors for them too, then you can make up some new leads for them
* You need to get the genuine Yamaha ones - there are (supposedly) pattern copies available but @Joesmoe had initially tried these and the impedance is much lower than the proper OEM Yamaha ones and won't work - when paralleled up they are quite a bit lower impedance than the OEM R3 coils.
Had bike out again today and the horn/indicator tripped out after around 40 mins and again after about the same amount of time. Interestingly the rear brake light was permanently lit then when in this condition. Resetting the keyless restored normal operation and tail light / brake light work as normal.
Interestingly the rear brake light was permanently lit then when in this condition.

I can't comprehend that Martin - how can the brake light (and you definitely mean brake, not tail-running light, right?) be getting powered - it says there HAS to be some cross-talk between the brake circuit and some other source. For brake light element to be on, it first needs the power switch to be on (yet you say this was tripped i.e. no turns or horn) and ALSO needs one of the Brake switches to be made - so if that brake light element was on, that circuit HAS to be connected to something else that is supplying it
That also goes back to why applying your brake was previously resetting things - whatever power was on your brake light was being fed back when you closed the switch into the other lighting circuit.
Do you have any other devices connected - modulator etc? Is this stock rear light or something after-market with your chopped fender?
It might of been the tail light actually. I'll try again and see.

Pulling the brake didn't do anything till I reset the keyless then it worked as normal.
No modulator fitted. Yes there is a non stock tail/brake light on the shorter fender but that is filament bulbs and I've rewired all of it.