No suggestion in this case whatsoever but insurance claims are likely to be far greater in the next 6-12 months as incomes disappear and recent purchases no longer become affordable.

It will be harder to get claims settled if they know you have been laid off and broke too.:(
Seems highly unlikely they stole it for parts. It certainly can't be ridden on the street, so something smells funny.


Think of it:

- Person A buys a brand new TFC
- Person A crashes his bike by his own fault - and he has no insurance
- Person A knows somebody who knows somebody etc.
- Person Z offers Person A a complete bike as base for a complete rebuilding of his crashed one
- both Persons have a relatively flexible definition of "property"
- at the end Person A will have even some additional spare parts, depending on the crash of his first TFC

Resume: I expect no funny smell on a request that has even be posted by the owner on F***book - there was just some motherf***er who stole somebodies bike...