Stock passanger seat question

Thanks snuffy,
Alot of work went into the fender, and alittle cash.
I live down a dirt road, what can I say.
It looks real good after I wash it,
(once a year)
but only till I ride it once..:rolleyes:

But thank you
Come on Skip, you remember the "Dust Bowl" of the mid 1930's. The one thing that OK. is famous for. Lol
Naw, that was before my time.
Here I thought we were famous for being North of the red river.
the dust bowl huh?
oh yea, when all the weaker okies moved to california...
The tougher ones hunkered down and started makin moonshine.
yep, ole Black Betty fits right in the grapes of wrath scenario huh?
But she does look decent when she's clean,
or course Dusty rose says shes just "tacky".
But what does she know, she thinks her red rocket is fast..
RE: 'ButtyBuddy'

Hellwalker, that's an interesting concept. I have a cousin who will not ride my R3 because of the minimal passenger seat. I'm thinking of buying her one of these for Christmas!;)

Hank & 'the Beast'
Kick the Tires, Light the Fires, and HANG ON!!:eek:
Motorcycle Seat Cushion by ButtyBuddy - Removable Passenger Motorcycle Seats

Has anyone tried this? I have never ever seen one of these on a bike, but I don't know maybe something worth checking out, unless it would damage factory seat. Has anyone even seen one?

My brother bought one of these for use on his std Roc. He has a Corbin YoungGun seat which really doesn't have a pillion. However, it is perfect for mounting the ButtyBuddy to it. His girlfriend has a fairly skinny butt and rode on it from So Californica to No Texas. She really likes it.

However, my daughter who doesn't necessarily have a skinny butt, says that it is very uncomfortable.

Hope that helps.