So here is what I have:
1., order these two parts:
2. 38 mm or 1 1/2" socket for the Head steering Fork nut:
3. Motor racing steering head bearing race driver set:
4. You have to call these guys
OEM Triumph Genuine Motorcycle Parts | HERMYS TRIUMPH eSTORE for the Steering head bearings set and the pair of wrenches that are used to adjust the adjuster nuts. these guys will handle the rest like the part numbers and all...very nice people and service is awesome...
Triumph Steering Stem Tools Part No. 3880140-T0301(this the pair of wrenches that you need, they come in pair.....they sent me only one by mistake then had to send the other one of cost, nice guys...though

5. While you are with them, also ask for the fuel tanks fuel pipe washers, it is recommended to replace them....Sonny told me he didn't so I did not...but order them in case you feel there is fuel leakage after the job....
6. 22mm socket to remove the top York.....
7. Please get the service manual PDF from the google search.