Steering Damper

me? I drag race, closed street race, wanna do the mile, ride to my limit at times, but mostly for drag racing, its important that the wheel stays strait and not snap out of your hands on front wheel impacts as youre trying desperately to just hold on. #LushRacing not all of us our a walking stabilizer you beast
Has anyone found solution for steering damper? Mine starts to wobble when took hands of handlebar in certain speeds. It started after i installed screen i think. Now i just had a little tour and the bike was fully loaded and felt worse. It stops right away when touch handlebars and never wobbled while keeped hands on bar. I have habit to accelerate after toll gate and fix gloves while cruise is on. Now it is impossible and would peace my mind if it would have a steering damper. I tried to look, but didn't find any solution for fixing points.