Amazing to see those radial dampers actually mounted. That would be the perfect solution.
Well, I agree that a Rocket should be stable at 110 under normal circumstances, but it is more about those moments that are not quite normal.
For instance, some time ago I was trying to shake off another biker at "slightly elevated" speed. Overtaking a truck in a curve at about 85 with gusting side winds, suddenly the handlebar started shaking wildly, and the R3 really felt like it wanted to kill me. I had to back off and let the other guy drive away. When I came home I was totally pissed with the bike's bulky, bad handling - until I found the nail in my back tire. Pressure was about 10psi.
In moments like that one, a damper can decide your fate. I got away that time. But I'd go for one, the moment I have a chance to.