Steering damper kits wanted!

That's very similar to the @warp9.9 solution
Yeah, I am actually looking forward a lot to try this out. I was dreaming of a damper for years now. And finally I have found a bloke who seems to really know what he is doing, has all the fancy equipment, and he is actually pretty close to my hometown.

I told him that if this works out as expected, possibly there will be others in the forum wanting these parts, too. He is ready to duplicate them at any time. If anybody is interested, please keep in mind this is taxed out Europe, so they will be rather expensive.

@Joesmoe unfortunately I have no idea how the steering head area of the Touring looks in detail. It has a different frame right? If I had good photos and measurements, I could show them to him to get an educated guess if his parts could be used.

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Found out my step brother recently started at a CNC shop doing the programing.

No idea if he'd be able to get us a good rate since it's not his company, but, I can forward on the model if you want me to.
So... finally I have had the opportunity to test the new damper on the Autobahn. I had it up to 130mph twice with full luggage and OEM windshield, without any instability. Seems this is a success.
Using full damping force it gives me at least 20mph more travel speed with luggage. No more wobbling when overtaking trucks at high speed. That was always a critical moment, not any more! I can take one hand off the bar and scratch myself comfortably at 110. I can run with the ****** rockets in style and comfort. Nice...

I am SO envious -- well done !!!

@Claviger - in your spare time (RIGHT!) - would like that recommendation for the Touring . . . pretty please.
The guy who made these parts is on vacation now. But after that I will ask him for a price on a kit for fellow Rocketeers, so if anybody wants to order this from Europe, you can always send me a pm. I also know where to get the damper.
The trick here is your kit will as currently designed only work with Roadsters (and similarly configured models).

The Touring is a different animal in the area of the steering head, and will need most likely a separate design along the lines of @Claviger 's first prototype (albeit appropriate size damper arm).