Steering damper kits wanted!

The damper is mocked up, hole located for the bracket mount, and mount to lower triple assembled.

As it would turn out, a damper with a stroke of 120mm, the way I have it set up is more than enough, actually measured only needing about 97mm of travel in the steering damper.

While I like the idea of the large body, to hold more fluid, it extends out somewhat near the headers and will definitely be effected by radiant heat. Unfortunate, but, such is life.
Mein Freund, if you can truly go 160mph on a stock R3R - with a shield, I must know your secret!!!

No plans to go back to stock, Bull. Currently 160rwhp, slimmer bags and a slimmer shield, GPR4 damper has been ordered already.
From what I can tell at this point, my fat lady should be good for at least 150 mph in current condition, if it gets a damper.
But if I'm still not happy with my top speed, I will look at Neville Lush cams...

Nev, 'tis said, "The best way to predict the future, is to create it."

I suggested you *create* the kit . . . Doesn't matter that it's not a kit . . . yet
It's not a straight bolt on; a single hole need be drilled to fit the damper, however, the hole is not into the main pipe, but through a 1/8" gusset that has a complex compound curve. I would and am betting my life on it, that a single hole there filled with a nutsert and bolt will do nothing to compromise the strength of the headstock area. Here are links to a list of parts that will work on a Roadster. On a Touring you only need the top two items plus a fork clamp of appropriate diameter:
Damper - ODM3000E NHK Steering Damper
M8 Nutsert - M8 x 1.25 6H .70-3.8 Ribbed Body Low Profile Nutsert Steel | Fastenal
Washers for front bolt - M8 x 21mm OD DIN 7349 Grade A2 Stainless Steel Extra Thick General Purpose Flat Washer | Fastenal
Replacement Front Bolt - M8-1.25 x 20mm DIN 933 A4-70 Stainless Steel Hex Cap Screw | Fastenal
Spacer for front bolt - Spacer Extenders
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These are the points to which I mounted. Though the front point isn’t ideal, it already exists and the holes are is reinforced in the lower so it’s strong. The spacer is to move the shaft up over the turn signal bracket.

The headlight frame will need mild massaging with a Dremel or die cutter to clear it so as to not hit the top of the leading edge of the heim joint, easy job.

If you’re not running anything on the forks that will interfere with a fork clamp, just use a fork clamp instead, it will be the ideal angle/fit.

This will all be different for a Touring...
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