taking Stebel apart
I got a Nautilus Stebel a week or so ago. I have an '06 Classic, and I'm
in the States... so I have no room under any side-covers for anything.
As far as I can see there is pretty much no good place to mount his
thing as is. So I have separated the horns from the compressor. This
is not hard, just a screw driver and a little patience. Ive cut off the
clamping plastic curled things that used to grip the compressor.
I used a 3/8" twist drill, held in my hand, to ream out the hole in the
plastic horns for the air tube. Then epoxied an 1/8" coper pipe nipple
in there.. about 1" long. I checked this all out last night with a five foot
piece of rubber fuel line... very loud, and no delay in horn from the rubber
The horns will fit fine in behind the stock funky nacelle below the headlights.
I'm still working out exactly where to install the compressor. As small as it
is there is still no space under anything on my R III for it. I'm thinking
to mount it on the left side, just above the left passnger footpeg; probably
inside a bit of chrome exaust tube I'll cut to fit.