Starting problems

Yes...93 down here in South Georgia. I have drained the rail and changed the plugs...still nothing. I pulled the fuel line and put tried starting and fuel is flowing from the line into a bucket just fine. I pulled the clutch switch and manually plunged/unplunged and cleaned with ISO Alcohol. Any other ideas before I load her up and head to the shop next week?
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will it still try to run on starting fluid?
is it turning over fast or slow?
have u cleaned the crank sensor on bottom rear of engine?
I tried to find the crank sensor in the service manual. Any more detail on how to find that?
look under bike right side about 2 inches in front of starter mine has an 8mm head bolt. just remove bolt and wiggle and it will come out then wipe down. this sensor is magnetic and will collect metal.
my be alot of oil coming out. i like to run mine so it pumps oil back up to tank but i know u can not do this.
rubber vacuum hoses/hose plugs on throttle bodies to map sensor will cause problems.
Sounds like the old girl is thirsty! You let her sit so long, her lips got sealed! If she tries to run on start fluid, then I'd say you have spark. I think you said you have never had the tank apart? Those rubber fuel lines inside the tank, deteriorate pretty bad. If you're not into tinkering, take it to the shop. If mine, I'd pull the tank off and change the filter and lines. Then I'd try to get all I could out of the fuel rail, and then fill the rail with carb cleaner before I connected it back to the tank. Fresh gas in the tank, cycle the pump a few times, and try it from there. Keep us posted, that's how we all learn.
Appreciate the response. If the problem was with the filter or the lines wouldn't that prevent the fuel from flowing through the tube that connects to the rail? I was able to get flow through that tube into a bucket just fine when turned the key on and cycled the pump.

if u have a dirty tank and clogged filter what happens is when u check u can have 40 psi with good flow and then the filter will start to plug up the more fuel runs through it the more it plugs. u can go to 5 psi
i see this a lot on automatic transmissions the trans will work perfect for two blocks with 125 pressure and the filter plugs up (with clutch material) and the car will stop moving. u can let it set for a minute (fluid will drain back and clear the filter a bit ) then start it up and it will run another block.
when car fuel filters starts to plug the motor is limited in power and rpm u can put them in neutral and hold the pedal on the floor and they will only run about 2500 rpm.
Ok...wanted to follow up in case someone else had any issues. Took it to the shop and found that the pressure to the rail was low. After opening the tank, found that the fuel pump was bad and the internal lines needed to be replaced. Pump rebuilt, lines replaced...she is all good. Put 300 miles on her this weekend with a short trip to Daytona Beach. Appreciate all of the help.