Starting problem

Thank you. I just ordered the 20HD, charger and Tracker. Will clean the contacts on the starter solenoid switch, clean all contacts and get them tight and I should be well for a while. Might open up the handlebar controls to spray them with contact cleaner and electrical lube. I use this aviation certified stuff. How about the sensor on the back of the motor on the left. Is that the gear position of crank position sensor? Does it need to be removed spray cleaned and lube? Do I really need to have the valves re-checked @ 60k? They were checked @ 30K and required no shimming. Anything else to reduce the chance of failure?
Is this a typo? If not, I have to know what battery that is!
DescriptionUnit priceQtyAmount
Antigravity Battery Tracker (LITHIUM)
Item# AG-BTR-1
$35.99 USD1$35.99 USD
OptiMate TM-291 Lithium Charger 5A
Item# BC-OPT-291
$129.99 USD1$129.99 USD
Antigravity YTX20 Lithium Battery - RIGHT side
Item# AG-YTX20R
$409.99 USD1$409.99 USD
This one is the with restart button ATX20 Lithium Motorsports Battery