Starting problem

Well, I covered the 95% and now for the other 5%.
Like Dzhaks I added the extra negative cable to the starter and mine cranked a lot faster.
I know there have been a lot of different items that have fixed a lot of the Rockets and some have guessed at the problem and changed different items for a year. I read these threads and think to myself, "If he had just used a $12 voltmeter, he would have saved a lot of time and some money."
I don't mean to be getting down on the Rocket guys. I just can not understand how people can take their cars into the shops that guess at the problem and then complain about how many parts they change and never fix the problem. I watch these threads and it is the same.
Maybe I have watched one too many threads ?
Naw Herman, you haven't watched too many yet. You are just afflicted by common sense brother. Now if I could only find some of that for myself...
so far i am good at hitting the ground except for the incident.
I've exhausted all replacement parts that I can think of. Wonder if the cat bypass is overheating the starter.
Have you cleaned and crimped the wire connectors within the connector block that the starter relay plugs into? That was the fix for my bike... havnt had the dreaded click since... gotta disassemble the block to do it