Starting problem


Living Legend
Aug 17, 2009
Florien, Louisiana
2009 black standard
Hey friends. I know its been a long time.

This issue has been going on for years and I'm fed up.

Sometimes when I try to start my bike the starter just clicks. It will do it after a ride or before. I have to use a jumper cell to get it to start. I have tried 3 new batteries, starter relay and a new starter and the problem persist. If I don't have my jumper cell I have to either wait a little while or just keep hitting the start button. I hardly ride anymore because of this sh!t.
I figure cold temperatures are not the issue so my next thought is either corroded cables or loose cables.
And glad you're back brother.
Try taking the handlebar switch apart and check for corrosion.Then spray it with WD 40 or whatever.
Have you checked the contact point and contact surface on the solenoid plunger. Some people buy the new bigger motor and never even think to clean and lubricate them. Next time the bike acts up, put it in gear and rock it to and fro so it just bumps the motor a little. Then pull the clutch in and see if she turns over. And not sure if you looked to see if your brushes are making good contact with the armature or not? If not I amgine sitting in the humid swamp weather of Louisiana can be hard on electronics. Even if you don't ride it much you need to start her and let her warm up enought to change the water between the engine and radiator. Down there probably no more the 15 minutes once a week. Just thinking out loud because there is a shortage of change around here so I already gave up my 2 cents
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I have done the rocking while in gear. It doesn't work. Its like its just not in the mood. Indo a 30 min 12 min tune every other week. This is a evil spirit type issue.
you said new starter, oem starter or the toyota one, the rebuild kit thats like 20 has the parts needed for rebuild of the solenoid, just curious if you actually changed out plunger and the copper parts?
have you checked that switch @Fingers asked you about. mine had corrosion and it was messing up, when i hit switch it wasn’t handling the voltage going through it. I cleaned mine and dielectric greased it and was good. if youve already tested it too, sorry. Are you keyless ? knocking out all this simple stuff so when the big guns come in here to help you all this stuff been hit at
I will try that and the cables this weekend. Thank you.
my guess would also be the main cables at the battery.
the way the batteries r made there is not much depth for the bolt so it is possible that the bolt would be tight and the cable connector be loose.
i am big on volt meters i would put the pos lead on the bat cable and neg lead on the ground (earth) side then hit the starter button to c what happens.
i am guessing that u will loose most of the voltage. with the starter button held in move the probes to the lead posts to see if there is still 12 volts.
with the starter button held in if u have 12 volts on battery posts and almost none on cables then the connection is bad.