Thanks for the advice going on holidays.
So going to hopfully get mechanic to look at it when I get home.
Just don't understand how got it working great and a week later I got the same clicking noise and now my high beam light is on won't go off and my head lights won't come on .
I guess all these years had no problems and now it's gone crazy on me.
And dealer had it twice another mechanic has had it twice and another mechanic as worked on it twice and got it working great for a week, thought it was all fixed now this. Gurrrr
Could be a coincidence I did leave my kill switch on for two days with tricker charger . Could have that heated up some wire that caused high beam stuck and head lights not to come on that short circuit something that causing it to not want to start all the time and get that same clicking ?
So will the switch problem make a clicking noise in relay? And cause head lights not to come on and high beams to stay on and not start all the time? And could I fix? Or need to buy new starter button? If I keep buying new parts my bike will be brand new
Yeah it just seems The dealer had some beginning working on my bike that ****ed it up and the second time bringing for this same problem ****ed it up more, Now it's like seem to fix problems to have the same clicking with a different problem, it's sure is a mystery but just can't get to the bottom of the really reason
The dealership said my bike is to customized that I will need to pay to bring it all back to stock before they can find out the problem lol
I did loose it's)
So will the switch problem make a clicking noise in relay? And cause head lights not to come on and high beams to stay on and not start all the time? And could I fix? Or need to buy new starter button? If I keep buying new parts my bike will be brand new