Starter won't turn engine over

One thing after installing that tts sc you’ll get this probably wore out on project and probably something simple compared to that. You just when to the ( because he can club ) congratulations
If you remove a plug from each cylinder, have it in neutral, can you put a ratchet on the crank bolt and turned it over clockwise by hand?

This should tell you if it's a starter or engine problem.
I agree with Arthur's statement above. First see if you can rotate the engine clockwise as you face the motor from the from. And listen to see if you hear something like the clutch dragging on the cover same around the crankshaft area? I doubt its the starter but to load test it while clamp on the bench hit the juice and when the starter starts spinning load test it with the end of a 2x4 against the drive gear. If it eats the board like a dull router blade and the starter doesn't stop its not the starter. Now like I said if it worked before the blower install, then other then opening the back of the starter up to clean the contacts I doubt if its the starter. Now I have the old style blower cover so some install stuff is different. Does the new kit have you release the timing chain tension ? If not good thats not the problem. I'll wait to see how she spins over by hand one plug pulled on each cylinder. Clockwise and it should roll fairly easy. If it does then I say see if the starter will spin her over while the plugs are out.
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Is it possible to have a hydrolock that is keeping the engine from turning over. Pulling a spark plug on each cylinder should verify that the pistons aren’t full of gasoline.

This routinely happens on the Valkyrie when the vacuum petcock fails and a float valve is stuck. Usually results in broken starter gears and an engine tear down to replace broker teeth on the gears.
I doubt the hydro lock, but the way think are going, who knows ... I'd be be mad , but not shocked
Standard spark plug socket (more of a hassle raising the tank and clearing room above the holes).
Update. . Starter is fine !! I just pulled the plugs and it wouldn't start turn over or push start. I ratchet strapped the rear well to the frame and tried to ratchet the rear wheel while in 5th and it wouldn't budge. That scared me. I removed the belt from the supercharger and it still wouldn't turn so I removed the crank pulley and it turned over effortlessly. . So issue lies on the pulley somewhere, so I'm heading back out there.