Starter/Ground Cable Upgrade Resource

Ok so as you can see this wire would have to be soldered to replace so I say leave it alone!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so as you can see this wire would have to be soldered to replace so I say leave it alone!!!!!!!!!!!!

I be with you on that!!!
Now onto the other two #4 wires I need . . .
I just pulled them and took them down to the local auto shop told him bigger is better and came back to pick them up. Easy job :)

I'd like to get an idea of the origin, routing and ending.
I am confused the origin for both is the battery. I just followed the same path on each when I put them back. Of course I do not have all that fancy electronics that you have :)

Nope - I am the one cornfused! :eek:
I do indeed have a bird nest under the seat, but hopefully this project will get it all cleaned up . . . I hope! :p
Thanks again, Amigo!