Standard Headlight Bulbs

The parking light question

My plan is to do the following:

After the EB relay install you are left with the old Triumph stock leads. One is cut and the plug used with the EB kit and the other is left completely intact.

On the cut lead, I plan on pulling the bulb and the attached yellow and black wires out of the black sheath. A 6 in piece of black shrink tube should be placed on the bulb end of the lead starting about an inch away from the bulb socket.

On the uncut lead, I would cut the blue/red and blue/white wires and pull them out of the sheath. At some point in the sheath the black ground wires are spliced. Rather than trying to locate the splice, I would cut the black wire going to the H4 connector and let it be.

Next, you will need to feed the leads into the headlight bowls. The uncut should go into the left headlight and the old cut lead should go into the right headlight.

Route the uncut lead around the right side of the steering head in the same spot as the new EB headlight leads. Make sure that it reaches all the way back under the tank to the old unused headlight plug.

Now, find a spot on the uncut lead directly behind the RIGHT headlight and cut a small hole in the black sheath. Slide the yellow and black wires from the cut lead into this hole and push them down the sheath until they are fully inserted. Now you have both lights in the same sheath.

Near the plug, splice the yellow and black wires into their counterparts.

Plug the connector into the old headlight wiring harness and you should now have parking light thingies.

I have not attempted this install so if you do, please provide updates that may be needed.
Thinking about this a bit more, an alternative arrangement could have the uncut lead feed into the right headlight bowl. Then run the cut lead from the left bowl to the right and splice into the wires inside the right bowl. This would be a lot easier.
I would love to just add a flashing relay to the parking lights. Maybe a variable flash. Something that would not run down the battery if left overnight. It would also suggest that an alarm system is armed.
What about you electrical guys? Think you could come up with something like that or should I just email EB?:rolleyes:
Anything with a filament is going to drain the battery. I suggest adding small LED's if you want something to stay on overnight.
Not stay on but flash at an adjustable rate.
If you know of some led lights that will work in that fixture please let me know.
Are you looking for something like hazard lights on a car? Where you can push a button or switch and the turn signals flash, except to use the little parking lights?
Not stay on but flash at an adjustable rate.
If you know of some led lights that will work in that fixture please let me know.
automotive parts stores have various types, and a google search on the internet will find MANY different types. There are even self contained solar powered rechargeable blinking LED's that come on only at night. I guess you are wanting something that blinks to simulate an active alarm correct?
automotive parts stores have various types, and a google search on the internet will find MANY different types. There are even self contained solar powered rechargeable blinking LED's that come on only at night. I guess you are wanting something that blinks to simulate an active alarm correct?
You got it. I just dont want to add lights. I want to use the parking lights and key switch to do this.
I'm just worried those lights and a flasher would run down the battery far enough to have difficulty starting the bike after several hours since they are incandescent bulbs. LED's draw so little current you could leave them on for days without putting a dent in the battery.

You could do a test on the lights to see if they could stay on that long and still have good battery cranking amps. The tail light is easy to unplug under the right side cover, just above the ECU. You could unplug the tail light and then turn the ignition key to park so that just the parking lights come on in the the headlights. Leave it overnight and see if they run down the battery.
Also, the tail light is on the same circuit as the parking lights, leaving them hooked up and using the key in park position could cause all three to flash or at least the tail light to come on too, depending how the flasher was wired in.

I'll keep my eyes peeled for some kind of compact electronic flasher, let you know if I see something interesting.