
I'm still having same problem as you describe...very random
I've only stalled by being lazy on the throttle at a light, or not paying attention while taking off. I'm averaging 1 stall per 1k miles, so far lol. At 3k miles on the bike.
Be a bit heavier on the throttle.
Sadly it has nothing to do with the throttle. It has to do with the engine dying with the clutch pulled in rolling to a stop with no throttle. I can't figure out why it does this. It's something Triumph must address. Triumph may be trying to figure it out but I want it documented in case of and injury collision due to the bike dying.
My 3R is going in for 1 year service next month and I've made them aware of the issue. I'll post if the problem recurs after the service.
Mighty Mouse...please do the same to compare notes. Hopefully an ECU update will remedy the problem but I'm not optimistic. When they had the bike for the 600 mile service months ago and I told them about the stalling problem and they said they contacted the regional service rep and they were told Triumph was unaware of such an issue even though there were other reports of the same issue by other owners posted on this site. At that time they said there was a new "update" installed at service but the issue remained.
Now they tell me there is yet another update to be installed but they (dealer) don't know exactly what it does so it's hard to be optimistic.
I've had this random issue since day 1 and now have approx. 2300 miles.
That sucks. I'm just around 3.5k miles on mine and I'm not having that issue and hopefully never do. I had 3k miles on it prior to having an ECU tune applied, still no issues.
My 05 stalled on and off the 5 years I had it. Triumph had it for 7 months (or maybe more I can't recall) and they actually made it run worse. When they gave it back to me running like crap they said "Don't worry, we won't charge you." I said "Do you really think I was going to pay you to not fix my Rocket?" I still had a hard on for a new Rocket so I bought the 2014 and it ran 'perfect' and even better after the dyno and PC5. I had a bad flashback when the 2020 stalled. I thought "Oh sh**, not again." We will see what they come up with on the new map on Thursday and hopefully that will be it. I don't know if the other riders on here that had stalling issues are still having them or if they were remedied. On my heated grips the spanner light came on with the low battery sign while on the freeway at 70 mph in 5th gear. The low battery light should not have come on over the heated grips icon. I love the bike and I haven't had the chance yet to romp on it as I don't want them to use that against me before the first 600 miles service (Thursday). The mechanic at Triumph stated when checked on their mapping they can tell the date, time and speed when the low battery light came on. This may be why a member on here couldn't get Triumph to cover his trans issue. They seem to be able to hold that against you for warranty issues I would think. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.
when a check engine light is triggered
the info will be
throttle position
map info
what gear u r in
fuel trims
what u had for breakfast lol
if u did not want someone to know what u did u could remember the code # then clear codes that should remove the
view freeze data
which can be used against u when u go to court
I got my bike back last week after they replaced the switchgear on the right handlebar.
I rode the bike 3 times with no issues, so I'm cautiously optimistic that it's fixed.
The service mgr said the lightest touch on the starter switch was killing the engine.
well i am glad they got it fixed
but there explanation don't hold water be cause (even on the old rockets if it is running u can press the starter button and it will not do a thing and if the ecu failed to control it all that would happen would be a loud starter noise.
they have a fancy tps on the bar and also a fancy one on the motor that works the throttle plates. or a least that is the way the late vehicles work.
i have been waiting to see how many of these fail. hopefully not to many.
I'm curious why it just happens on a few new rockets and not others. I'm hopeful that the new downloads will remedy this. I guess I'll know after Thursday. I live relatively close to a dealer but I feel bad for the guy that has a 200 plus mile journey every time he has to get something fixed.