
I considered starting a new thread because I am experiencing stalling, but under FULL throttle as opposed to coming to a stop at idle.

But, I saw that one of the last posts described stalling as someone was pulling away from a stop, so I will post here.

The first couple times this happened, I was in 1st gear and under heavy throttle. Engine just shut off. Then it happened again in 4th gear and in 6th gear, each time at or near full throttle. This put me in a very scary situation a couple times. I could normally restart the bike immediately while coasting, but at least once I had to pull off the road to a stop before the bike would restart. I took it to the shop and they downloaded a new map (I've heard that referenced a time or two in this thread.)

On my second ride after the new map, problem was back. The next morning, the bike was stalling immediately at startup multiple times. I limped the bike to the dealer, pulling over 4 or 5 times to restart. I considered having them come get the bike, it was so bad.

They kept the bike for nearly a week and called me today to say they think they found the problem. They said that any movement of the switch assembly on the right handlebar was causing the fuel pump to shut off. A short, I'm assuming. They have ordered a replacement switch assembly. I'm hoping this takes care of the problem.
I will update once I have the bike back.

Curious to know if anyone else has experienced this?
over the internet diagnosing don't always work.
i would say u have a fuel problem.
i c this on some cars what happens is when u r heavy on the throttle u r using more gas and the fuel pump/fuel filter can not keep up so basically u run out of gas.
there has been a lot of ign problems and none sounding like your prob.
might b able to take a flash light and look in the tank for junk clogging the filter
might b able to take a flash light and look in the tank for junk clogging the filter
Thank you, TURBO200R4, for the suggestions.
I'm not well-versed on trouble with fuel injected bikes. I have 3 other bikes with fuel injection, but never a problem like this. Any issues caused the bikes to run poorly, but they would never just shut down under throttle.
The Rocket runs great until it just shuts off, like a kill switch being flipped. It makes sense to me that the fuel pump being turned off by a short in the switchgear could be the answer. I'm just hoping the dealer
Filling tank too full, or parking on a downward left slant?

will be able to get the parts in a reasonable time. The shop had another 2020 Rocket that would not start AT ALL.
I feel like I'm a beta tester for this bike. I also had the oil leak suffered by so many others.
Filling tank too full, or parking on a downward left slant?
Problem doesn't appear to be related to fill-ups.
I live in Florida, so unfortunately, no hills. Bike is always parked on a flat.

I read your post again
If true about the right bar switch then that would be trouble with the drive by wire system. A very complicated system. I would say yours would be the first i have heard of and should have its own thread.
The 2020 is the first year to have this system so hopefully they will be able to fix it for u.
Anymore stalling? My bike did it for the first time today. I go in for service and mid pegs Thursday. I came off the freeway and was rolling to a stop at about 05 mph with the clutch pulled in and it shut down. I quickly started back up but wasn't expecting it to die on me. Very random. Has anyone had positive luck with the new download or are problems still occurring. No fun having your bike shut down. I'm a tad nervous on tight U-turns as I don't want to end up on my ass. Anyone have the problem rectified?
I've only stalled by being lazy on the throttle at a light, or not paying attention while taking off. I'm averaging 1 stall per 1k miles, so far lol. At 3k miles on the bike.
Be a bit heavier on the throttle.