
Apparently when I did my turn signals on the rear I took the license plate arm off and a cable was squashed!! Ugh problem solved now
Udpate to my original have approx. 1300 miles and the stalling when slowing to a stop in 1st gear, with the clutch pulled in (remember no quickshifter) has continued to be intermittent. I had decided to just deal with it since it would happen at very slow speeds as I was coming to a stop and fired right up by simply depressing the starter button while keeping the clutch my dealer said he and Triumph had no "idea" or reason for this problem to occur.
Went for a ride was warm, plenty of fuel and had 2 stalling experiences...first time on a 5-4 downshift then on a 4-3 downshift attempt as soon as I pulled in the clutch and shifted to the lower gear. This is a problem of much greater magnitude IMO due to the fact the speeds are much higher when the stall occurs. Still starts right back up upon depressing starter button.
Anyone experience similar issues??
I have only had it happen to me twice. Both times I suspect it was shoddy fuel. Nothing but Octane 91 or higher and it seems to not happen anymore.

I'll post again if it happens to me again...
Just throwing this out there, I had a fuel starved symptom problem that turned out to be full tank AND parked on downslope with kickstand on lowest side. Canister receiving overflow of fuel. So maybe you fill too high?
Thanks for the thought...but never fill near the top...and haven't parked on any downslopes...
I never had stalling issue after more than 2 000 miles now. I always fill the tank with 93 octane gas from different suppliers (equivalent to 98 in France).
With my HD (carburator) , I started to use 90 octane gas (equivalent to 95 in France) and I experienced some bad answer of throttle (don’t laugh...). I came back to 93 octane and everything is OK now.
Stalled again today while bike (GT) was idling at stoplight. Attempted usual restart except on this occasion the restart was very abnormal, behaving as if battery voltage was very low. Engine very slow to turn over but after two attempts it started and I continued to work. Straightaway I checked battery cables upon arrival all good. Bike restarts as normal now. Fuel tank 3/4 full, 91 octane, air temp 77F, bike was stopped, in gear, clutch in at red light light when it shut down. When attempting restart the starter turned over very slowly and the dash lights etc. dimmed almost completely until it restarted finally. Any thoughts? Mileage is 1400 ish miles
I would get battery load tested. It sounds like its on its way out..... not sure if that would cause stalling though.