The problem with the Thruxton/1200 twins was apparently that it was very lean. TEC bike parts recommended Booster plug to remedy it. I think there was a ECU flash as well for them.
Then again the problem with 3R stalling may be something else.
Same problem on the Indian FTR 1200 S which I own, and on many of the bikes I tested before buying the FTR. Problem solved by flashing an aftermarket tune. I agree, it is caused by a lean air-fuel ratio the manufacturer is obligated to deliver to meet emissions standards. The lean mixutre causes the exhaust to run hot enough to fully activate the catalytic converter. Several bikes I tested stalled during warm up because of this, and the stock FTR also stalls sometimes when idling and the RPMs yo-yo up and down at cruising speed. The aftermarket tune cured most of these issues for me.
In any case, I am still in the market for a black R3GT with mid-controls, auto shifter and Bluetooth module! /drool
It sounds like the lean setting that almost all bike makers are forced to use to meet EPA requirements. That was the case on my 2014 when it was new. The dealer added more fuel via the dealer tool and fixed my issue. They told me that was the main issue on all their new bikes.
Haven't experienced this issue yet. Normally use 95 octane, so far only used road mode, 1900 kms to-date on the clock.
I did manage to stall it about 3 times when taking off, which I was very surprised about.
It sounds like the lean setting that almost all bike makers are forced to use to meet EPA requirements. That was the case on my 2014 when it was new. The dealer added more fuel via the dealer tool and fixed my issue. They told me that was the main issue on all their new bikes.
So far this seems to be the most plausible answer. I'm going to up my octane level by a grade to see if that helps. As stated, only happened once so far, maybe that's the only time!
I have covered just over 800 miles no issues with stalling as yet. Its no long since its first service. A newer map was installed but it was running very vibby and snatchy during on/off/on throttle application. I used Tune Ecu to do a reset adaption which worked really well and now it runs very smooth, but i now have a P0315 error which is crankshaft position values not learned or something like so i wouldnt recommend using Tune Ecu until this is sorted. I will get dealer to clear this when i am passing next. It isnt a dangerous error for engine or so i am told by various sources!