SantaB Rocket

Standard Bore
Feb 23, 2025
Santa Barbara CA
2025 Triumph Rocket 3R Storm
Does not happen every ride, but was coming down a hill to a stoplight, downshifted from 3-2-1, pulled in clutch, braked to a stop and engine just died. Started right up again. When it has happened, it occurs when you are at low RPMs. Read it could be a MAP sensor. Any latest info?
From my experience with my bike, that's not normal.
Could be a bad map set up....erm....Poor fuel (??)
I had the same problem with my 2020 GT when I first bought it. It only happened as I came to a stop sign or red light. I would down shift and rev my engine while coming to a complete stop. The habit of revving the engine came from my prior motorcycles that all had aftermarket exhaust. I like a throaty sound but not too loud. After my GT continued stalling at said stop signs and lights I couldn’t figure out why it only happened in that Scenario. I changed up and still downshifted but stopped revving the engine as I came to a stop. My GT has only stalled once after that in the last 3 years. Just don’t rev the engine while slowing/stopping abruptly while downshifting. Worth a try and see what happens. 👍
Back in 2013 I had a new '13 roadster and it did the same thing several times. Drove me insane. Dealership claims they fixed it, but it happened on the ride back home
from picking it up from the dealership. I bought a trickle charger and left it plugged in whenever I wasn't riding it. Soon after it never stalled again. No idea why it started
or stopped stalling.