Spy shots new rocket

Get real my man. You think the claimed 200 horse on the new rocket is the rear wheel performance? I do not believe that their is a motorcycle manufacture out there that discloses the actually rear wheel horse power including Truimph. Just saying. Yes the the diavel is rated at 152 horse like it or not. Very fast and well made bike. You need to do more research and less running your mouth.:D:D:D:D:D Would i buy either one? NOT.
THATS not rear wheel hp on a dyno GOOFY you are confused
Why do i get the feeling am playing a chess game with a guy that is playing checkers? :p:p:p:p:p:p:p The new special addition rocket is rated at 200 horse. The rockets that follow after the special addition will be rated at 150 horse and be much cheaper.
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Yea but it is still fun. Really got a lot of respect for the guy. He is a good rider and has been around for a long time. When i first joined this site he would really piss me off. Now i like to play and push his buttons. :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:
That is my favorite group. Led Zeppelin. It's all good. I really enjoy your comments. You add a flare to every conversation on here. Love it. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Well it is raining and got the day off. Have had a few beers and looking at the pic's they still are doing nothing for me. Just looks like another cookie cutter. Motorcycle manufactures seem to cast a theme and everybody follows. Harley and their baggers next thing you know all the manufactures are producing baggers. This bike is a take off of the modern them that Yamaha set with the V-Max. The diavel was a improvement and surely the New Rocket is very much a improvement. At the same time it is rather disappointing. "Go your own way" slogan is history.

Just a thought...isn’t it usual to disguise these pre launch models when on road tests..
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