Spy shots new rocket

Looks like they're going after Diavel and bikes of that nature.

Looking at the pictures there seems to be burnt plastic or something on the exhaust.... coming out of the head. In one of the pictures the riders pants leg is making contact with the exhaust. I'm thinking all of the exhaust covers they intend on using isn't mounted in the pictures.

I like it so far. However even though I have always been against using saddle bags... after a friend sold me saddle bags for a great price... I have changed my mind. I can actually tote all my junk that is needed at work or when I'm riding in general... and not have to struggle finding a way to tie it down.

Wondering if the new bike will have any type of "size-able" bag offered?

Another thing is in comparison to my Roadster.... how comfortable would this bike be on long rides?

Looks like they have moved the foot controls back to the Classic foot control configuration... not like the Roadsters.

I don't think this bike will ever be in my stable unless I buy a used one down the road... after someone has paid the "new bike depreciation".

Oh... they stole my bar end idea...LOL


About your bar end mirrors, what does vibration to them ?
I’m afraid you lost me. I can’t see what the mistaken view (in my opinion) that the bike looks anything like a Diavel - except for maybe how the number plate is mounted - has to do with Euro5 and locked ECUs.
Hang on - since when does it have to make sense? - I meander therefore I wander!.






Much smaller rad.
Article mentions 2 peg positions, forward and neutral. Looks like forward one is shown
2 exhausts on right and 1 on left
Much beefier front forks
Is that the starter under the swingarm?
LOOKS like an all aluminum frame
My Diavel riding mate is 5'4" and 150lbs, I'm 6' and 190lbs. The diavel fits him but not me, even with the comfort seat fitted (which gives you a bit more leg room) he was in pain after a couple of hundred miles and has had hip pain constantly since our first 3k mile round trip. I have to get off the Diavel after 80 miles because I find it so uncomfortable, however it is blisteringly quick, amazingly light and handles like a scalpel.

The new rocket just looks like a mix of the current model and a Diavel, due to the weight I can't see it being direct competition to then Ducati, it's never going to handle, or feel, like a Diavel so why make it look like one and on reflection will need to look a lot less generic in the flesh for it to tempt me (even if I could ever afford it ;))
WE dont like the DIAVEL if I did I would have one tested one for a day and didnt like it its a sport bike with higher bars and a bad seat
Sad, but I still find it intriguing that our Rockets have been in production since 2005. And I still get the "What's that?" I guess the remaining Rockets will dry up, and parts will get scarce. Makes me feel older than I am!:( But I do have 3 tagged and running, and a spare motor, so I'll probably be OK till I'm too old to throw a leg over. Still sad when I think about it. Old age sucks! (69)
IMFASTTOO, I would if there was another one on the market. I live in a small country in southwest Europe.