When I was 18 I would look at girls and go.."PU*SY!!"...I would look at bikes and go.."MOTORBIKES!!"...now I look at girls rear ends and go "MMMMMMM!!"....and I find myself doing the same with motorcycles...funny that!!
I purchased the black Triumph tear drop mirrors years ago. After installation the vibration on the mirrors was so bad I could not use them. I tried different type of methods to totally remove the vibration or reduce it. Nothing I did would work. So I decided to purchase bar end mirrors. NO VIBRATION and now have mirrors I can use. I was paranoid that the vibration was going to be worse with the bar end mirrors but that was not the case. Funny how that worked out.
That's what I'm hoping as well (even though I like the single seat on the test mule). Hopefully the R3 motor ends up in two or three different models, just like the parallel twin in the bonnie.
Thanks ! Just one question left,as I did have a close look at these mirrors at the Rizoma site, the mirror bracket is fixed on a flat bar end. However, the bar end weights of the Rlll are not flat, doesn't that give an issue for attaching the mirrors to the weights ?
Thanks ! Just one question left,as I did have a close look at these mirrors at the Rizoma site, the mirror bracket is fixed on a flat bar end. However, the bar end weights of the Rlll are not flat, doesn't that give an issue for attaching the mirrors to the weights ?
Not sure if I'm a following you correctly on that question.
There are adaptors from Rizoma you have to purchase in order to mount the mirrors to the existing bar end weights. The adaptors fit flat against the weights... then mount the mirrors on the adaptors.
When I get some time I will try to find the box and give you the correct part number for the adaptors.
Not sure if I'm a following you correctly on that question.
There are adaptors from Rizoma you have to purchase in order to mount the mirrors to the existing bar end weights. The adaptors fit flat against the weights... then mount the mirrors on the adaptors.
When I get some time I will try to find the box and give you the correct part number for the adaptors.