Kind of dumb at least to me anyway. In California you can drive 65 mph on the freeway in most areas around cities. 8% off of 65mph is around 5 mph. So in essence you are 60 mph in the fast lane posted for 65 mph thinking you're driving the speed limit. It's called impeding traffic and yes you can and should get a ticket for being in the fast lane driving 5 mph under the speed limit. Get in the slow lane
! The cop cars have radar and their speedo's are calibrated so they know you are going 60 mph even if you don't. Everyone will break their neck trying to get around you. To me that's much worse than driving 5 mph over the speed limit. You can cause an accident going too slow just as much as going to fast or at least cause an accident. The liability is still there Triumph. Just venting.