
Standard Bore
Aug 3, 2024
Maine, USA
2023 Triumph Rocket 3R
I noticed yesterday that my '23 R3R speedometer was reading ~5 MPH faster than my GPS. I've searched forum threads and found this to be the case across the board, likely Triumph trying to avoid liability by overclocking their speedos so people drive slower than they would otherwise.

All of this is fine, I suppose. However, most of the threads addressing this issue are from at least 2+ years back, and I'm curious if anyone has discovered a cure since then that does not impact odometer readings.

Is there a tuning adjustment that can pinpoint the 5-8% overclocking adjustment and wipe it out, without affecting odometer/tripometer readings? It's not a huge issue for me... but if there has been a relatively easy (read: not super expensive) fix developed, I'd love to know about it.
I noticed yesterday that my '23 R3R speedometer was reading ~5 MPH faster than my GPS. I've searched forum threads and found this to be the case across the board, likely Triumph trying to avoid liability by overclocking their speedos so people drive slower than they would otherwise.

All of this is fine, I suppose. However, most of the threads addressing this issue are from at least 2+ years back, and I'm curious if anyone has discovered a cure since then that does not impact odometer readings.

Is there a tuning adjustment that can pinpoint the 5-8% overclocking adjustment and wipe it out, without affecting odometer/tripometer readings? It's not a huge issue for me... but if there has been a relatively easy (read: not super expensive) fix developed, I'd love to know about it.
not possible at the moment with simple tune. Some computer + automobile geek/expert must figure out communication between abs sensor + ecu + dash computer/instrument cluster. All this is because ECU communication is encrypted and no one is putting time and effort to decrypt it. We can not even put additional brake light along with stock one and after market sequential blinkers because of same problem i mentioned above. I even called companies who makes speedometer correction gadgets in North america and they said no for new rockets but for old 2300cc Yes.
some people here said to change the tire size to compensate for extra readings, not sure how that works.
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It's designed to help protect the rider from getting a ticket in this ever increasing world of state funded highwaymen, I mean traffic police.

I agree with you though, the difference is a bit too big. If you ride to the speedo reading, grandma is tailgating you 99% of the time so you're constantly trying to do the speed adjustment in your head just so granny doesn't get too wound up on her way to church.......mustn't upset granny ;) .

I tend to ride by the satnav reading much of the time, though I don't want to ride with it fitted all the time.
not possible at the moment with simple tune. Some computer + automobile geek/expert must figure out communication between abs sensor + ecu + dash computer/instrument cluster. All this is because ECU communication is encrypted and no one is putting time and effort to decrypt it. We can not even put additional brake light along with stock one and after market sequential blinkers because of same problem i mentioned above. I even called companies who makes speedometer correction gadgets in North america and they said no for new rockets but for old 2300cc Yes.
some people here said to change the tire size to compensate for extra readings, not sure how that works.
Perhaps a 55 aspect ratio rear tire?
Worked on my Roadster.
I think all vehicle odos are designed to read fast for speed ticket avoidance reasons. KTMs have always been some of the most over-optimistic. The speed of wheel rotation on them is read by a sensor on the inside of the brake calipre reading a slotted ring bolted to the brake disc. You used to be able to buy aftermarket rings with an amended slot pattern that gave a true reading. Whether you can still do that with the plethora of extra electronic gizmos on the latest bikes I don't know.
Thanks, all. This is pretty much what I figured but just wanted to make sure there hadn’t been a known fix developed in the last couple of years.'s all designed to make you try to calculate how much faster you need to go to get the correct legal speed...then you get it wrong and collect a speeding ticket...Lol.
Here in NZ we can get ticketed if we are over3 kms over the legal speed.
I was ticketed at 110kmh..the legal speed was 100kph for that piece of the road...$80.00 plus 30 demerits...when you reach 100 demerits you can kiss your drivers license goodbye for a while.
The officer who caught me was like.."110 sir"..i replied.."Your'e not going to ticket me for that are you?"...him.."yes sir, my boss has told us to ticket anything over 103kph!""That's fair enough but your boss dosn't know you have stopped me!"...he goes all squirmy and gives me the ticket anyway..
Last edited:'s all designed to make you try to calculate how much faster you need to go to get the correct legal speed...then you get it wrong and collect a speeding ticket.
Here in NZ we can get ticketed if we are over3 kms over the legal speed.
I was ticketed at 110kmh..the legal speed was 100kph for that piece of the road...$80.00 plus 30 demerits...when you reach 100 demerits you can kiss your drivers license goodbye for a while.
The officer who caught me was like.."110 sir"..i replied.."Your'e not going to ticket me for that are you?"...him.."yes sir, my boss has told us to ticket anything over 103kph!""That's fair enough but your boss dosn't know you have stopped me!"...he goes all squirmy and gives me the ticket anyway..