Speedo trouble on Touring Model

Thank you for your assistance, all the suggestions added up to a fix!
You’re welcome, just passing on what @DEcosse has taught me, through I’m sure what was painful for him as I’m a truck driver with a hammer and He is an electrical engineer, now go twist that needle on that thang
I also have a 2008 R3T that encountered an issue with the Speedo. However, in this case the Speedo stopped working and the needle remained at 10 MPH at all speeds. I did notice that it worked fine until the heat of the sun caused it to malfunction. On cloudy days it displayed the speed normally. I was fortunate to purchase a used replacement and changed it out and had good results. The only down side is that the odometer memory module is located inside the Speedo unit. It would have been smarter for the Triumph to incorporate this into the ECM module or other element in order to capture and retain the pulse signals of mileage that could be easily uploaded to the replacement Speedo.