Special wishes to Nat67

Takes a lot of bacon tho, but yea.......

You can keep your brown gerkins @EasTexRIII with or without friggin bacon!

I cannot believe Google image search said the best guess for this image was
'a mouth'.

I've lost all faith in Google now and will have to change search engines

Link Removed

To clarify, that pic did NOT come from my camera, toilet, house, etc, ect
I only produce bacon wrapped rose buds......

Sorry brother, we didn't mean for your thread to turn south
He's doing really good actually toughest man I know and will ever know .... He's my hero And my true inspiration.... One in a million 1 in a bloody million , the coolest and. Gets it no matter what , in every way he gets it ! He's been through so much.. Not just with illnesses but all through life ... but he's saved me and helped me grow and taught me so much, and still is teaching me.... I dread to think what would of happened to me if our paths did not cross but I do believe we was nudged towards each other to help one another because we have both definitely come along way for the better.... Definitely was sent to me so Nathan for you I'm forever thankful and greatfull , plus I'm addicted to you and fancy you like hell every day..... Your the most hamsomest man in all of this world and I f ing love you to death
You are a doubly blessed bloke, Nat.

Firstly, because you woke up post-surgically and secondly, because you have a wonderful, lovingly devoted woman by your side (sexy, too!!!)

Come to think of it, you're both blessed!

Yer 1 in a million, Girl!
Nat is a fortunate bloke indeed!