Special wishes to Nat67

Greatest news I've heard in a long time. Answered prayers are the best blessings of all.
We love both yuz very much & so happy to see you happy.
Now get on with givin him sh/t
And throw out them farkin shakes!!!!

Awe Shucks mam continued prayers for the both of you. Glad to hear all went well and he is on the mend. Wonderful friends like us and a wonderful woman he has much to be thankful for.
Awe Shucks mam continued prayers for the both of you. Glad to hear all went well and he is on the mend. Wonderful friends like us and a wonderful woman he has much to be thankful for.
Well couldn't speak to him due to the morphine.... Bet he's in a great world right now
Work wouldn't let me have this weekend off im on an early then a night then a late shift finish 8pm sunday evening he should be home Sunday ohhhhhhhh so excited gonna be all on my own tonight but gonna put u guys right beside me so I don't get scared aaaanyways over and out
Give Nat my best wishe and hope he has a speedy recovery. I suppose we should all be grateful it has been nothing too serious. Can you imagine the worry and stress we would all have endured had it been something as dangerous as 'Man Flu;??
Give Nat my best wishe and hope he has a speedy recovery. I suppose we should all be grateful it has been nothing too serious. Can you imagine the worry and stress we would all have endured had it been something as dangerous as 'Man Flu;??
Pa ha ha ha ha haha ha ha I know.. Imagine the panic