Special wishes to Nat67

Right then - signing off for the next day or so - Setting sail for blighty on the morrow.

The planning being to meet up with both the Nat-ies in a couple of weeks.
Will also be dropping in on laraza to sup one evening. May have some online access but can't be sure.
Right then - signing off for the next day or so - Setting sail for blighty on the morrow.

The planning being to meet up with both the Nat-ies in a couple of weeks.
Will also be dropping in on laraza to sup one evening. May have some online access but can't be sure.
Get ready for the CrAzY !!! o_O:D
Sweet and sour crikey, Nat. This is one of the best threads I've seen here for a coon's age. This minor delay and inconvenience seems to be spoiling you in a weird but good way. 'Tis good medicine, though. Right, mate?:thumbsup:

Mebbe, you could consider repeatedly feigning illness post recovery??? IBS from too many shakes, perhaps? Keep the faith, man!:)
I hear you there brother ! Thanks Phil.
I can't get over the amount of good wishes from so many , I am truly blessed . I wasn't going to even mention the upcoming op !
I have had thoughts from guys who stand to lose so much with the current situation over there and STILL they have time to wish me the best . It's truly humbling !
Hey Natty Poo! You bout done wit all dem food shakes, I hope :mad:
I know you are as prepared as one can be :thumbsup: