Special wishes to Nat67

Got's some Hi-Vis yella lycra waiting for you to be fitted into luvey!!!! :D
Every cloud has a silver lining ! :thumbsup:
Hope it fits as well as me surgical cankle tights ? I bought em home with me .
Well I wanna try some !!! Will ya cook us up some sometime ? :) hey naths operation got cancelled so he'll be home later :D:D:D :inlove:inlove:inlove yyyyayyyy we can eat together again... Can't wait ! Love our meal times :) but we'll have to do the shake diet all over again :sick: never mind always good to looses a few pounds ;) then put it on again even more fun ;) haha ... Poor guy though, bless him ...
Yes ma'am! I can catch em, clean em, and cook em. Just let me know when you are coming. :D