South Coast meet up

Or young skint people who suddenly developed a family and only had a bike license. Many moons ago now. It didn’t even have Trotters independent traders on the side.
I only ever knew one person like that but he had a Bond Bug .And a Ducati SS Mike Hailwood replica !
Are you saying you had a yellow one ? better than blue I guess ?
When I was still very young and despite having both licences, and a paid job, unable to afford a car - I did actually consider a Bond Bug. This is late '70's.

Then, through pure chance met the Secretary ( or Treasurer ) of the BBOC. Lived in the same village as I did. Took me one visit to his "workshop" to realise he was very very lucky to live right next door to the Hospital.

Best use for the Reliant mechanics was the Royce Creasy Feet Forward M/C family. To this day, regret not having tried one.

Ah but then : I landed a better job, bought a Subaru Pick Up and the first Laverda. Not looked back since.

I started off on Honda 175s then BSA A10 combo. The solo after passing my bike test. I had a dark blue Reliant Regal 700. A friend had a Bond bug but it caught fire with my air gun in the boot. Ah the good old days.
Back on topic for a moment : sorry .

I have passed the meet up info to one of the R3 OLD GUARD - Tom, who still goes under the guise of "owl". He will try and make it. Caught him yesterday between a 5 day trip and setting off to run a Brit (Iron) Butt rally.

Also going to see if Colin (designer of Guns, Engines and the RamAir Filter) wants to pop along. He lives near Hastings so one never knows.
According to the BBC at the moment the weather is not looking to bad either.
According to the BBC at the moment the weather is not looking to bad either.
Please decipher "not too bad" for those of us unaccustomed (these days) to the nuances of English Weather forecasts.

Is that "sunny with clouds and rain" , "cloudy with rain and some sun", .................................... ?
Oh - and ........................... Where are we partaking of the midday repast?. I may be old fashioned, but eating is one of my daily rituals.
Not expecting a Spanish 5 hour luncheon (would do me no good if I was anyway). Food vs Bikes : food wins.