Son of the Mad Dog; Three Sisters Advice

Hi and a warm British welcome to the forum. So much good advice already posted so I won't bore you with another lecture. Coming to Leakey too? Good grief, they're queuing up to meet the Alien :eek::eek:
if u watch the videos the worst mistake (what i did) is when in the corners u get scarred of leaning the bike so u just cross the yellow line.
to me it was like why did i cross the line and it was because i was afraid and after i thought about it i decided it would be a lot better for the bike to slide out from under me than to just drive off the road.
if i make it most of the time i will be site seeing i know i am not riding 1800 round trip to grind off the pegs.
maybe just a little grinding;)
If you want to get good at the slow maneuvers go to YouTube and watch Jerry Motorman Palladino. Also you might want to look at videos on taking proper lines, and trail braking in turns. The Sisters have some nice scenery, but also some technical riding. Be prepared to see some descending radius, and off camber turns.
ps i was in a parking lot making a right turn when a car pulled out just far enough so i hit the brakes and the bike was all ready past the point of falling over when the car stopped so i gave it some gas and released the clutch and my baby stood right back up. amaseing. :thumbsup:
If you want to get good at the slow maneuvers go to YouTube and watch Jerry Motorman Palladino. Also you might want to look at videos on taking proper lines, and trail braking in turns. The Sisters have some nice scenery, but also some technical riding. Be prepared to see some descending radius, and off camber turns.

Hi and a warm British welcome to the forum. So much good advice already posted so I won't bore you with another lecture. Coming to Leakey too? Good grief, they're queuing up to meet the Alien :eek::eek:

We are throwing a Texas Big party for you, Dogs and all! How's those butt streng-thining exercises working for'ya?