Sometimes one finds they did the right thing. Glad I bought my R3T

Well thanks my friends. You're very kind.

Yesterday my wife remarked about some of his voice mails that he left. There was always some humor to them. He ended all of his voicemails with "God bless". He was just a real kind hearted guy. He was so terribly ill that I'm just glad he's not suffering anymore.
Sorry about your buddy Mike - RIP - so much loss this year it is unreal.
Lost a friend this past weekend. Riding his HD, came up on a tree that had fallen across the road & no time to adjust. I don’t understand why people that ride HD’s think it’s against the rules to wear a helmet
Not meaning to swipe your thread, just noting how many of us have lost loved ones this year
May we all ride on.........
[QUOTE="EasTexRIII, post: 568776, member: 5939"
Not meaning to swipe your thread, just noting how many of us have lost loved ones this year
May we all ride on.........[/QUOTE]

Sad but true and yes, may we all ride on safely and continue love the life of two wheeled freedom out on the open road. That which binds we on this forum together.

Some of the comments made by my friends about getting back out there on the Rocket when I'm fully healed. I am so looking forward to that, to see the sky, the mountains, the rivers and the lakes again. I just love riding through the mountain passes on twisty road next to a raging spring river. Or riding around a beautiful lake, stopping to take pictures and just enjoy the beauty of it all. But I suspect I'm getting a little sappy and nostalgic though. Tis the Season....
Well Mike you have told us about the rides to come and the rules are no pictures it didn't happen.

Would love to see some of the country side from where you ride.

Merry Christmas.
Sorry for your loss Mike, but, it's a rather poetic situation if I do so say so. I'm very happy you didn't end up selling your Rocket now, and I hope you get lots of seat time next year with the new knee.

Indeed, Mike, and I'm sure Rob will wait for you at every turn!
Well Mike you have told us about the rides to come and the rules are no pictures it didn't happen.

Would love to see some of the country side from where you ride.

Merry Christmas.

And Merry Christmas to you. I think what I'll do is start a thread and post some of my better riding pics. I surely must have a thousand or so.
[QUOTE="EasTexRIII, post: 568776, member: 5939"
Not meaning to swipe your thread, just noting how many of us have lost loved ones this year
May we all ride on.........

Sad but true and yes, may we all ride on safely and continue love the life of two wheeled freedom out on the open road. That which binds we on this forum together.

Some of the comments made by my friends about getting back out there on the Rocket when I'm fully healed. I am so looking forward to that, to see the sky, the mountains, the rivers and the lakes again. I just love riding through the mountain passes on twisty road next to a raging spring river. Or riding around a beautiful lake, stopping to take pictures and just enjoy the beauty of it all. But I suspect I'm getting a little sappy and nostalgic though. Tis the Season....[/QUOTE]

With all of the beauty that God has created n surrounds us with, our friends gone are saying: you ain’t seen nothin yet
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...Took alot of pictures today, in my mind,...twas a hot sunny day thru beautiful country.....didnt stop much but sure had a good look around....the day i give up riding well be a tough day!
How old are you, Tal?
That question haunts me frequently.
Seems yesterday I was 40 and hoping I could ride to 60. Now at 72, I'm hoping to break 80.