Something fell off of my Roadster today

Did you just have it in for the first service? Check your oil filter cover. Maybe someone left a screwdriver or wrench on the bike.

Maybe it thinks its a Harley?
I had to laugh..a couple of years ago i was riding my roadking down route 6A on the Cape. This guy got on my tail and started beeping his horn and hitting the high low beams. Thinking something was wrong i pulled over and he pulled over too. As i got off my bike to see what the big deal was,i noticed the bolt from the crash bar peg was enbedded in his windshield. He was pissed,i told him windshields are usually covered by your insurance co. and if not i offered to pay for it. All's well that ends well i never heard from the guy and i got my bolt back..:D
I went over all the Allen head bolts in mine after a few hundred miles, and snugged them down.

I believe that's also something that's part of the bikes first service.

I checked things over a couple times since; 2200 plus miles, and nothing's loose anymore.
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When I first got my bike I went over every exposed bolt I could find and tightened them, also everytime I take a bolt off for any reason(fix or add things) I put a small dab of blue Loctite on, never had anything go loose, its a good idea to do that with any new bike you get.
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