Brother, working on my own Trans issues now. Read your ordeal and learned a lot. These alternative bolts you found. You say 14 are needed, but the manual says to remove and discard bolts 11-35 (24). Page 5.6 step 5 on disassembly. What am I missing??
Most of the time, Triumph says to replace the bolts because they come with loctite on them. I guess their mechanic's can't squirt the old bolts with new loctite
I reused my case bolts. I did replace the main bearing ladder bolts, but Warp 9.9 pointed out that that is not required on the early models according the manual.
Most of the time, Triumph says to replace the bolts because they come with loctite on them. I guess their mechanic's can't squirt the old bolts with new loctite
Most of the time, Triumph says to replace the bolts because they come with loctite on them. I guess their mechanic's can't squirt the old bolts with new loctite
I reused my case bolts. I did replace the main bearing ladder bolts, but Warp 9.9 pointed out that that is not required on the early models according the manual.
This forum has been a wealth of information. It’s nice to get input from people who have been down this road. I have threadlocker and will easily apply the required amount to make these old bolts hold tight
Progress! Finally I was able to close up my engine cases, feels good.
This step is a timed test!! Have all your tools ready, manual open, and load the different length bolts before fitting the lower case. You’ve got about 30 minutes!