Something Failed, let’s find it! Transmission Analysis.

I’m waiting on their return, to get after a few questions.

1: Stock blades are being replaced, they have to be with a proper bore job as they’ll be too small. Bore will be taper bored from top to bottom and having the seating surface of the blades smoothed by hand to allow proper blade to wall interface.

2: There’s no lack of air flow velocity at idle, there won’t be with this small change. High compression makes up a lot for the cam size. The stock TBs are decent, I’ve seen much worse, but the bore diameter is almost totally irrelevant on ITBs at idle.

3: Stock shaft leak... not even going to try and address it, if they do leak. Not worth the headache and cost imo on an NA motor. I’ve never seen a TB leak at the shaft in boosted motor, though it is possible, so totally unconcerned with it.

4: Volume flow at WOT will be higher, velocity will be higher at part throttle and WOT because the irregularities causing unwanted tumbling will be eliminated. Tumble belongs in the chamber not the runner. The finish will also be smoother in the dry portion allowing for better flow and velocity.

5: Eliminating the code for secondaries will involve building a bracket to bolt to the stepper and locate the secondary TPS sensor, cutting down the secondary shaft and build another bracket with a guide to hold the shaft in place against the indexing pin. Then connecting to the ECU and “calibrating” the secondary sensor so it yields correct voltages. The stepper will still be functional, it just won’t be turning anything but a 1” bare shaft connected to only the sensor.

6: I’m not even slightly worried about any negative outcomes. The MCSA (narrowest point in the intake tract) is not the TBs, so, they’re only a small factor in both RPM pulse tuning and max possible flow and velocity. Removal of the secondary’s, closing the remaining holes, and boring the diameter to be smoother and a little bigger will reduce turbulence allowing closer to theoretical max flow through the MCSA, thus increasing power, and I’ll bet it’s a near full RPM area of gain since it’s not significantly adjusting pulse tuning, just allowing more air mass per second to pack in the chamber.

7: I don’t recommend anyone go down this TB road unless your on a money is no object, max effort, or near the ragged edge looking for a touch more build. I doubt there’s anything to be gained here at anything less than 200whp. Boosted motors, just turn up boost 1PSI, it’s free and easy

Pics of brackets will be posted when complete.
All ARP fasteners, gaskets, and replacement items are on order. Literally waiting on the mail....

Hope to get after some of the outstanding things in the next 2 weeks.

Measuring cam timing closely to find LSA, valve events, and lift numbers being one of the things.

I’ve decided against pulling the head off this year, perhaps next year, but I want to get some seat time before the winter goes to full crap.
Wayne at Tuneboy can turn off the code for removing the sec motor. I somehow doubt you will call him though . Boring the TB is a good thing, you will notice more in the midrange.
Most of the stuff arrives by Saturday, wahoo. Should have my TBs back in a week or so, so potentially back up by the end of the month.

Can’t wait!
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