Something Failed, let’s find it! Transmission Analysis.

I am not rushing assembly, it’s not the place to rush or cut corners so this will take me a bit.

Everything shifts and spins as smoothly as would be expected with not being fully oiled yet, better than before that’s for sure.

Progress is made:

New Circlips:
PS: I hate you Triumph for your open ended detent spring lol. Would it have been THAT hard to leave another 90 degrees of wrap on the hook part?!
Substitute bolts found to fasten cases for a lot cheaper.

Triumph charges $7.67 per bolt for a M8x1.25 35mm Bolt used to hold the case halves together, you need 14. They’re single use...

I was going to order some probolt replacements, it those are $5.80 even.

Instead I found ARP exact replacements, 5 bolts for $16, definitely not single use lol. Bonus: They’re Black.

ARP 661-1004: Black Oxide, M8 x 1.25, 35mm UHL, Hex | JEGS
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In prep to send these out, I realized filling the left over secondary shaft holes is a lot better now, prior to having them bored out, so...

JB weld to the rescue! Thankfully the holes have a lateral face to secure the epoxy instead of it just being a plug, it’s shaped like a mushroom in cross section:

Now about the secondary shaft, stepper, and sensor. A little time with a Dremel, some flat stock, and a drill will fix that up so I don’t catch engine codes from it.

Hopefully the engine is not running ****ty at idle because of lack of airspeedflow…
Don't the bottleneck - the stock diameters of the throttleblades- still will be the bottleneck =restriction airflow anyway, especially for a NA engine? Because,and we are talking about boostvolume/pressure=hp,not NA engines,
will boostvolume at (full) throttle not be the same, despite of machining the TB's ?

Do you also fixing the boost leakage of the primary throttle shaftbore ?
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Quick question what do you do with the secondary tps and motor once the shaft is gone.