Wet flow vs dry flow.
Wet flow, well, go back about 30 pages for some discussion.
Dry flow - the smoother the walls the better.
Turbulent in chamber = good!
Turbulent in runner = bad... up to a point, you want some.
These mods won’t change that in the slightest, but should (will?), increase both velocity and peak volume at peak HP.
But this isn’t about the finish, it’s about the lip. You can feel a not insignificant lip as a result of triumphs machining process where they go from a taper to a cylindrical bore down the TB about 1CM above the blades.
The math I did a few months ago resulted in a 56mm TB being a little bit undersized for my motor. Our TBs are 52mm at their outlet to the coupler, do definitely undersized for Steel and I, but oversized for stock cam motors. This is why Bob removes the secondaries, because the 265 kit is pushing the limits of the stock TBs.
I know at least one reader is cringing after a discussion we had, but, I’m going to be hard headed and stick to my intuition on this. I appreciate your advice and knowledge, I want to see for myself.
If I lose power, that’s fine, the forced induction guys will most definitely gain from doing what I’m doing, and I’m sure there’s a SC bike owner or two out there that wants free bolt on power in an even trade if this doesn’t work on an NA bike.
I’ll see nothing but gains from 2000-8000 RPM