Something Failed, let’s find it! Transmission Analysis.

I have my gear grinder back in hand!!

The new bigger circlips are monsters!! I am HIGHLY confident they won’t fail me. They are no less than twice as thick and a good bit taller, absolutely monstrous compared to stockers.

Everything was salvaged except the 3-4 assembly, kick ass.

Now, with it in hand, and seeing the size of the new clips, I think spending any more money would be throwing money at a problem unnecessarily, eg coating or micro polishing the assembly.

Guess I’m starting reassembly of the motor this weekend. Then I can flip it and do some things I’ve been wanting to do with the valvetrain.
Unlike you to be so pragmatic. Fever?

lol. Just have a long list of things I’m trying to get done, unfortunately none are cheap, so if I can not spend another $500 for possibly nothing, I’m going to do so.