What I find a bit strange is initially my r3 was not first registered in Queensland with so called reflectors ,why should I pay a penalty .the department of transport should have issued me with the change which they require .this type of police interference I will happily take to court. But in saying that it is a good safety issue so I will do something about it .but if I get booked between now and the time I fit the reflector I will contest it be assured.
What annoys me is I bought a brand new truck five years ago and every year I take for its annual inspection they always seem to come up with some new thing they want added and I never have been notified before I go for the inspection .it just gets a bit frustrating .now they have started on bikes .why can't they send out the required changes when they send out your registration renewal
What a crock of $#!+, I sure am glad I'm not in Oz...no offense to all you From "Down Under". Targeting all motorcyclists is pure harassment, is there not any serious crime going on there that could keep the police occupied? Oh, well, perhaps this is a glimpse into what the future holds for us in the U.S.
Plenty of crime going on down here mate .. all stats keep creeping up. After all the bullsh!t and lies the Government has told they do not have one " criminal bikie" in custody in their hastily commissioned "bikies only " prison. All those pink prison suits are sitting on shelves somewhere unused. Looking like the laws may be repelled or at least watered down as they are adversely affecting the ' political image' of the dickheads that introduced them. Perhaps common sense and justice will prevail after all.
Was at Triumph Springwood today shelling out for a new Metz. Asked what the law was regarding rear facing reflector. Was told by roadworthy bloke that you must have at least 1 red reflector facing rearward. Doesn't matter how big or small it is. I'm thinking a small one stuck on with double sided tape in the bottom corners of the rego plate. Triumph greased the rear spline for me at no cost. New bloke on the service counter Graham a kiwi but don't hold that against him seems more likable than the previous bloke.
$435.00 gone up $50.00 from last time got 10800klm from this one 2000klm more than the one before. Will try a Bridgestone next just have to fabricate a new bracket for my indicators. The one I made and got powder coated only has 5ml clearance with a new Metz. And the suspension fully compressed so it would be a problem with the bigger tyre.