Some observations from RAA IX

Hey Steve good to know you got home. Is Dan home too ? How many miles did you get the that Exedra ? Did the muffler stay on ?
Hey Steve good to know you got home. Is Dan home too ? How many miles did you get the that Exedra ? Did the muffler stay on ?

Nearly 8K; however, the tire should have been changed 1K sooner.
Good tire, my third and I put another Excedra max on.
And.I.shall endeavor to do the same friend. No more political dis"cuss"ions. Deal ?

Thx. No more political dis"cuss"ions for us, deal ? Unfortunately my craft skills have recently garnered some unwanted attention from the same.folks.that brought us Ruby Ridge and.Waco if you know what agency I speak of. Down and.out.for.a.while.
To fix the Spider???
Holy $hit, Batman!!!
Say it ain't so . . .
Actually, they are talking more like 8 -10k, they are talking about totaling it, Lore is not happy about it