Well we are home now, Adriana and I had a great time! We met an old friend again and made some new ones as well
As I have had some time to reflect on the weeks activities here are a few things that come to mind.
I will never again judge a person by what they say online and wait to meet them in person instead
Sharing a hot tub with
@Steel wasnt nearly as scary as I thought it would be.
@JoseyR3Wales "craft" isnt anything to take lightly
Group rides are cool, but I think I'm more of the meandering stop to smell the flowers type.
If you kill enough flies with a menu in a Montrose restaurant you can get a free drink, thanks
@Idaho Red Rocket 3 !
Lemon Pledge is the bomb! thanks
@Tbirdgirl and
The Interstate blows, always take the road less traveled
Jerry Garcia isnt dead he is alive and well. lives in Washington State, and goes by the name of
@skydog1000 doesnt really have bugs in his teeth
I should learn to drink whiskey, only pot smoking gay liberals from Cali drink Tequila
If you post a picture of your wifes boobs and light bulbs, it wont be kept a secret and many will come looking to see if the light bulbs are still there
If your from Cali and you walk into a diner in Vernal Utah, dont ask if they have Bagels, just get the pancakes!
Dobro was right ( please dont ask)
I hope to see you all at the next one!