Thanks for that, appreciated. I would like the Triumph ones please. Haven't purchased via the forum before so dont know how you usually do things. But I can email you my address and if you let me know how you would prefer to be paid i will organize ASAP. Thanks
No worries we usually swap addresses etc and pay details (Paypal etc) via forum Personal Message (PM) so I will send you one now. You should get a notification about it via your private email.
Besides the marks from being bolted on neither set is marked or rusted in any way. The OEM Triumph Factory ones with the curved top are slightly heavier gauge steel. It comes down to the look you prefer.
The RIVCO ones were obviously the more cheaply made as they do not have the more complicated shape and lack the detailed design.



If you have either set left please pm me as I need them for my 2016 roadster as I damaged one that came with the bike and now have to replace them. Would prefer the triumph ones as its less work to fit one and I'll keep the others for spares but if they are gone I'll replace them all with the rivcos
If you have either set left please pm me as I need them for my 2016 roadster as I damaged one that came with the bike and now have to replace them. Would prefer the triumph ones as its less work to fit one and I'll keep the others for spares but if they are gone I'll replace them all with the rivcos
No worries you just missed out on the Triumph ones that have just gone to @dj83us but I have the RIVCO ones still.

I'll PM you and you can reply with your address and I'll check postage to Canada. I'm doing a run to the PO tomorrow to send a pair of Black TORs to Malyasia and the other exhaust flanges so it seems it is all droughts and floods at the moment ;):D
I put Rivcos on my 07 that my son now owns and they still look good. I didn't even know that Triumph made any and always thought it odd that they would sell a bike with unfinished headers. I had to go out in the garage and and look at my new to me 09 Touring and sure enough, they are Triumphs with the curve. I've had it about three weeks and didn't notice, and yes, they are kind of cool looking.
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Thanks for that, appreciated. I would like the Triumph ones please. Haven't purchased via the forum before so dont know how you usually do things. But I can email you my address and if you let me know how you would prefer to be paid i will organize ASAP. Thanks

Did you get it in the mail? All Good? Can I throw the postal receipt away now?

