This is the bike I cried over. It was my first Harley and I put a bit of time and money into it. This is the machine that got me back into biking after a 20 year hiatus.
Anyone want to place a bet that when they do become 100% Electricycles (patent pending) they will have a sound system integrated into it that will sound like a VTwin thumping. You know it's going to happen. That's adding insult to injury.
Anyone want to place a bet that when they do become 100% Electricycles (patent pending) they will have a sound system integrated into it that will sound like a VTwin thumping. You know it's going to happen. That's adding insult to injury.
I'm thinking a pedal car that is geared obviously so one pump down spins a generator that charges the battery as you go!..Just imagine the kids in the back pedaling on their pedals as hard as they could go until they got so worn out they would fall asleep!...The battery is now fully charged and you continue on quietly. When the power reduces you just need a couple of quick pumps on the 'Go' pedal and its all good again!..
For those with crook me...there would be a hand pull and its equivalent to one push down on a could choose this option as an extra when you purchase the car.
Motorbikes obviously work off the throttle twist and it charges...for some you would need the lights on all the time to burn the extra stored power produced from twisting the throttle constantly!.....whew...i have to go mow the lawns and walk the brain is tired!
Oh Oh Oh , (hand up in the air) Can I ask which bottle you sampled to get into this state? Just now doing my list for the weekly shopping...
P.S. Just a hint would help.......Wine, Scotch, or Bourbon based???
Oh Oh Oh , (hand up in the air) Can I ask which bottle you sampled to get into this state? Just now doing my list for the weekly shopping...
P.S. Just a hint would help.......Wine, Scotch, or Bourbon based???