For Sale SOLD ....Corbin Classic Solo seat - fits Classic and Roadster '04-'17

I got a price of 397 Aus $ to Canberra 2601 with UPS delivery by end of day Nov 27 for that box

Yeah it would be the same to my suburb in Canberra but UPS is a prime service like FEDEX.
Strangely Canada Post seems to be even dearer but that may be their most expensive Express service.
They may try and suck you into using the most expensive service by not openly offering the rate information on the cheaper ones without going to a shopfront.
They have a Surface rate 2-3 months by ship but only for small pkts under 2Kg the bastards. Forcing use of high cost services.

@albertaduke sent me a 30+lb diff the other day by slow boat and it was only CAD$238.80 freight. I should ask him who he used.
Yeah it would be the same to my suburb in Canberra but UPS is a prime service like FEDEX.
Strangely Canada Post seems to be even dearer but that may be their most expensive Express service.
They may try and suck you into using the most expensive service by not openly offering the rate information on the cheaper ones without going to a shopfront.
They have a Surface rate 2-3 months by ship but only for small pkts under 2Kg the bastards. Forcing use of high cost services.

@albertaduke sent me a 30+lb diff the other day by slow boat and it was only CAD$238.80 freight. I should ask him who he used.

I'll go into the post office today.
Yeah it would be the same to my suburb in Canberra but UPS is a prime service like FEDEX.
Strangely Canada Post seems to be even dearer but that may be their most expensive Express service.
They may try and suck you into using the most expensive service by not openly offering the rate information on the cheaper ones without going to a shopfront.
They have a Surface rate 2-3 months by ship but only for small pkts under 2Kg the bastards. Forcing use of high cost services.

@albertaduke sent me a 30+lb diff the other day by slow boat and it was only CAD$238.80 freight. I should ask him who he used.
Alberta dukes info shows he lives within 15 miles of me in Caledon , if its the same Caledon. I'll message him and ask.
He'll be flooded then as I did too, as well as poked/mentioned him in this thread. ;):D

I went to the post poffice and box was too big for online quote but they quoted me $195 Aus dollars over the counter with 8 week shipping. So the total is 525 Ausie Dollars
Alberta dukes info shows he lives within 15 miles of me in Caledon , if its the same Caledon. I'll message him and ask.
hey Buddy.. I live in KALEDEN british columbia that is about not 15 miles but around 1500 miles at least but we can be friends regardless