For Sale SOLD! An Immaculate & Unique 1995 Suzuki Intruder SOLD!

Which rationalization such as yours does not foster, so lets cut the Crap, TC!;)

Let it lie, man.
Happy to ...i apologized pages ago , my comments would still seem to be a problem though. By the way all i did was comment on a motorcycle , didn't mention anything about anyones ... ah f#ck it !!!!
Bloody h3ll. Nothing anyone has posted has made that thing any uglier than it already is and no amount of hyperbole is going to make it any prettier. I hope he sells it but just because he wants to advertise it here doesn't mean only complementary comments are welcome. I thought TC's posts were pretty funny actually and I fail to see how they could possibly influence anyone either way. Now Bob and Phil, take a deep breath and be thankful that all this chatter has kept the ad on the front page a LOT longer than it otherwise would have been there. Or was that your intention all along.........;)
No, it wasn't at all Richard. But, between the initial potshots from the peanut gallery and the additional piling on/salt in the open wound, so to speak, the sentiments of some of our esteemed Australian members has come through loud and clear.
What some might refer to as a digging implement others prefer to say is a spade. We call it a f*kn shovel. It's just the way we are. :)
No, it wasn't at all Richard. But, between the initial potshots from the peanut gallery and the additional piling on/salt in the open wound, so to speak, the sentiments of some of our esteemed Australian members has come through loud and clear.

How about taking your own advice and shuttin the f#ck up about this Phil.