If there comes a time when you might choose to sell seperately and post a pic of the "love handles" I might have interest. Also if the second windshield hs the QR hardware it might be of interest to me too.
Still looking for a good home to send her to. Let me know if anyone (or an acquaintance) has interest.

Thanks guys!
She's still for sale guys. I'll make an especially good deal for any forum member and will have something extra for any forum member who leads me to a buyer who completes a deal.
@DodahMan Um, why are you concerned about an old Craigslist ad ?

You have THE ad right here in this thread -- go back to the top, and you can then read down for the price reductions that make this a great buy.
A Bittersweet Day. My beloved R3T has been sold to another, who promises to take good care of it. Got pretty close to what I wanted for it.

Fortunately, I have a new love to help close the hole in my heart!

I'll be around - can't bear to leave this family!