So what's next ?

When the governments realize that they are no longer getting tax revenue from gasoline, they will start taxing electricity. Think about that for your home power bill, and your electric car running costs.
When the governments realize that they are no longer getting tax revenue from gasoline, they will start taxing electricity. Think about that for your home power bill, and your electric car running costs.
They are going to tax mileage. You will get the bill when you renew your road ticket. They will also tax the charging stations.
When the governments realize that they are no longer getting tax revenue from gasoline, they will start taxing electricity. Think about that for your home power bill, and your electric car running costs.
Nah it's already out of control.!
Taxes and charges already exist to charge landholders for rainfall on their property in many is sunlight!

When I find a Vampire I'll get the bite and then I can join youse all up too and we'll "F&%@ up the Governments' plans together!"
Taxing sunlight!!!?? Daaaaannng